Friday, December 13, 2013

A little Christmas cheer.. Depending on how you look at it..

Okay so just an update.. Cause.. Yeah.. I can :p sooooooo I know it's been awhile already since the last release (my first) but I AM working on the next volume! Yay! Unfortunately there is a thing called real life that is slowing down the release goodness.. While I would like to live in fantasy land all the time I can't.. Screw you real life! Why you suck so bad?! Moving on.. Ahem, so for those interested I plan on releasing the next volume sometime in January. Why not before or during Christmas as like, a present or something you ask? Because again, life sucks. And I'm major busy right now *cries myself to sleep over not having a present for everyone and sad face cause I'm a poor ass* Look forward to January people! When in January.. I don't know.. And I won't make promises cause then I would be a liar if I couldn't release on time.. Don't hurt me.. To hopefully distract you I now wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I loverz you all! Just keep chanting, January, January.. It's only a month away! *throws sparkly confetti while prancing around singing soon, my pretties! soon!* xox

Friday, October 11, 2013

First release!

Hello to all and welcome to Violet Dreams! My first release is... Idol Clubs! Yay!
So a little about the release.. I first translated/cleaned/edited this volume of Idol Clubs a few months ago, but I just did it for fun because i wanted to know what happened and there was already a group working on it. After I finished volume 2 I found that I had enjoyed working on it enough that I wanted to continue to work on volume 3. So I decided to wait until the group working on it released more and read their translations.. unfortunately it has been a while since then. Now by no means get me wrong here, I know that it takes a lot of time and effort to get a volume/chapter up to scratch before releasing it, so I understand that it does take a while between releases. So without stepping on any toes here by working on Idol Clubs, I just want to share what I've already done and continue to share what I'm doing. With that being said I'm working on volume 3 and hope to release it as soon as I'm done but yeah, I'm doing this on my own and I only have so much time a day to work on it :p Also I will point out that at the moment I'm only uploading it onto mangafox because 1: It's easy and 2: I don't have an account with any file sharing sites. In the future if I get a lot of requests I might consider uploading it somewhere so you people of the internets can download it.. but yeah.. at the moment its a no for that, sorry. Aaaaannnndddd now that I've bored you to death with the blah, blah, blah please enjoy Idol Clubs by going to 'Releases' where you will find a link to mangafox where I've uploaded it to. :)